
I went for a drive, the other night… I went for a drive
I went for a drive, to clear my mind, I went for a drive,

I was doin’ 60 in a 45,
But I wasn’t terrified,
Brought up on a fast life,
Fast food waistline,
Fit girls look fine,
Look left when I look right,
I get told it’s not my night,

I went for a drive,
I went for a drive,

Drove past my old town
No-one I knows round,
More like a ghost town,
Everybody’s moved on,
Everyone I knews gone,
Now I’m in a lone town,
Population no-one

I went for a drive,
I went for a drive,

Where you goin?
Where you headin?
Been the past the futures gettin… Close,
Is this the path you chose?
Feeling like a treadmill,
Going as fast as you can, but you stand still,
How many years will you kill on the treadmill?

If this is all life’s got for you,
Pull your parachute,
Fallings not failing,
Your coffin gets a nail in,
Like everybody else,
It ain’t always plane sailing,

I went for a drive,
I went for a drive,

The headlight was too bright
I saw the future that night
I’m scared about a bad life
I’m scared I can’t put that right

What if the steering wheel won’t steer
Left in a place I don’t wanna be here
Stuck in neutral, won’t pull out of gear
This is what happens when you let the fear

Take you for a drive
Take you for a drive
Take you for a drive


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