Simple life

Would you be happy, the simple life?
An analogue time, before whoring for likes,
Before scrolling and texting started wasting your nights
And having nothing to say didn’t feel like a plight
With lost time to filters, to makes pictures just right
And sharing others opinions, though their talking shite
Slinging insults at strangers and daring to fight
Comparing your missus, to your new neighbour’s wife
Paid for by adverts made to capture your eye
Pointless shit here - BUY BUY BUY BUY
I’ve been invited to this, I’ll go and say hi
Next week I won’t, I can just change my mind
Rejection is easy, it’s one click on the side
Creeping on histories and searching timelines,
Check who’s fucking who, if she’s seeing that guy
We all know it’s happening, we pretend to be blind
It’s taken happy occasions and removed all the pride
It’s placed panic and fear in people otherwise fine
It’s brought bullying home and not left behind
It’s made people so anxious they commit suicide
We’re told it’s a tool, but it’s sharp like a knife,
Used wrong it’s a weapon, endangering life
When you look in the mirror, not when you’re online
Ask if ever you’ve seen a profile picture cry


Put simply... I don't like social media. that said, please like my Facepage page. you can't escape the machine!


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