I don't

I don’t like the way you do your art
I don’t like the way you fall apart,
You’re made of Lego, you’re a brick short of a heart,
I don’t like the fact you’re really smart,
I don’t like how fast you drive your car,

I don’t understand the way you write about your feelings,
I’m quite dumb, I don’t do meaning,
I don’t understand why you are writing all the time,
You string these words together, then you try and make them rhyme,

Are you a psycho, are you a creep?
Do you dream of killing mother fuckers in your sleep?
You’re not normal, ‘cus you don’t count fucking sheep,
You’re a nightmare… why’d we ever meet??

Okay, so about the art,
I know I write a lot,
I’m not ashamed of playing my part,
To be open and honest, at least that’s a start,

I’m an emotional being,
I can be sad but not cry, it’s joy that your seeing,
I can be mad but not high, it’s the calm that I’m needing,
I’m not doing drugs, it’s these dope ideas I’m reading.

I’m not a psycho, I’m not a creep,
You’re not in my dreams, I’m not losing sleep,
My opinion of you is so low, you’re under my feet,
I’ll try not to trip on your shit when you live on the streets,
Try to stay tuned, it’s me that you’ll see on the TV.

Tune in next week.


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