
A spoonful of sugar helps the vegetables go down,
Caffeine made me woke and now my favourite sugars brown,
I’m not some sugar racist,
I just love sweetness on my tongue,

I like a coffee in the mornin’, evening, noon and night,
I like to stimulates my theories, I think my eyes are open wide,
Shit it’s 5 AM, I’m rockin’,
I’ll take a zanex I’ll be fine
Large americano for the tall dude in the glasses,
Large americano? Oh shit that must me be mine.

Man this coffee’s fucking awesome, I’m gone bitch slap 9 to 5
Might even stay til 6 or 7, man I’m fucking wired
By this time tomorrow, I’ll be VP, senior VP
I’ll have my name up on an office and my own secretary

I just gotta work real hard, kiss my boss’s ass,
Not have any fun, unless my boss jokes, then I’ll laugh.
Wake up, coffee, work, coffee,
Got that report in 5 days early, and I did properly

But wait, I got the date wrong, and the authors actually not me,
Get your shit together man, your starting to get sloppy

You need to double down on what your doing, or you’ll never get an office,
Maybe step it up and take some drugs, that’ll solve our problems
Take the edge of feeling down and focus, just fucking focus,
You piece of shit, I knew you’d fail, your just so fucking hopeless.

the only thing you ever do, that’s ever been promoted,
is buying drinks at half the price, your half the man we hoped for.

Even Derek in accounting’s made his way as a director,
He joined up 6 months after you, now he parks out front and centre,
Stop whining bitch, this is how it is, you’re gonna run this fucking town,
We need to move on past the grind… let’s Grind some tablets down

I’m taking drugs I can’t pronounce, For a job half up the ladder,
Outside work, I have no friends, careers now all that matters,

Office, money, car, mansion, wife,
Coffee, drugs, win at life.

Pulse racing, health declined


I didn't really plan this poem when I wrote it. In fact, I took weeks to come up with the closing few lines. My inspiration was the type of rhythm and language used by Eminem, thus the somewhat aggressive introspective nature. The poem is based on themes of success, and not understanding the need to have the right goals in life.


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