History Books

Mistakes don’t make the history books,
History’s harder than it looks,
I remember only last week, never mind last year,
Who else gives a fuck?


I won’t make history?
I’m living it now you see,
I look forward, while you’re looking at me,
It’s not one small step, I’m brave, I leap!

My recognition is today, not tomorrow,
I’m not a leader, but hey, you can follow,

Not everyone who ever lived got their name in ink,
And some of them have had a life that stinks,
The history books… hey… makes me think,
You’re only guaranteed if you’re a king or queen,

I won’t make history?
I’m living it now you see,
I look forward, while you’re looking at me,
It’s not one small step, I’m brave, I leap!

We spend a lot of time with our eyes shut,
In history we’ll often have to stay put,
But I’m not living for the past, so I put forward my best foot,
I know its scary, I feel it in my gut,
I’ll live my life. no if’s. no buts.


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